6 Ways to Win on Social Media in 2024

6 Ways to Win on Social Media in 2024

If you truly want to see your brand succeed through a content strategy on social media, this is what is takes in 2024:

  1. Commit to Cultural Intelligence: Understanding cultural nuances is crucial for effective communication on social media. CPG brands must commit to cultural intelligence by staying informed about current trends, societal issues, and cultural shifts. By aligning their messaging with cultural contexts, brands can establish authenticity and relevance, fostering deeper connections with their audience.

  2. Loosen Your Brand Guidelines: In the era of user-generated content and co-creation, CPG brands must recognize that they no longer solely dictate their brand's narrative. Instead, the audience actively participates in co-writing it. This necessitates loosening brand guidelines to allow for flexibility and adaptability. Embracing this collaborative approach enables brands to better understand how they exist in consumers' minds and tailor their messaging accordingly.

  3. Make Room for Co-Creation: Co-creation empowers consumers to become active contributors to a brand's story. By involving their audience in the creative process, CPG brands can foster a sense of ownership and loyalty. Take the example of Stanley, which launched the "MAKE ROOM" campaign, inviting customers to share their DIY projects using Stanley products. This not only generated user-generated content but also strengthened brand affinity among enthusiasts.

  4. Create Content that Prompts Response: Passive scrolling is no longer sufficient for social media success. CPG brands need to create content that sparks engagement and prompts meaningful responses from their audience. Whether through thought-provoking questions, polls, or interactive challenges, content should provide value and encourage active participation. By fostering dialogue and interaction, brands can cultivate a community around their products and values.

  5. Create Believers, Not Fans: While having a large fan base is desirable, cultivating genuine believers in your brand is paramount. Focus on building meaningful relationships with your audience by delivering consistent value, demonstrating authenticity, and actively listening to their feedback. Invest in personalized experiences and storytelling that resonates on an emotional level, fostering brand advocacy and long-term loyalty.

  6. Entertain: In the fast-paced world of social media, attention is a precious commodity. To capture and retain audience interest, CPG brands must prioritize entertainment value in their content. Whether through humor, storytelling, or captivating visuals, aim to entertain and delight your audience. By creating memorable experiences, brands can cut through the clutter and leave a lasting impression on consumers.

Anna Sullivan